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Board of Directors

KNME Board of Directors
Chair – Dr. Joseph Escobedo, APS
Vice Chair – Cinnamon Blair, UNM
Monica Armenta, APS
Brenda Yager, APS
Theresa Costantinidis, UNM
Dr. Hansel Burley, UNM
Dana Elmquist, Community Representative

Meeting Notices:


Due to Corona Virus protection measures board meetings will be held virtually using the Zoom app.  If you wish to attend please contact Franz Joachim at or call the station at 505-277-2121. You will need to supply a name and address to attend and sign up separately to address the board.  Upon signing up we will furnish a meeting ID and password.

Open Meeting Policy

New Mexico PBS Open Meetings Policy New Mexico PBS maintains an open meetings policy to the public with regards to meetings of its governing body and any committee of its governing body; as such, New Mexico PBS will give reasonable notice to the public of the fact, time and place of an open meeting at least one week (7 days) in advance of the scheduled date of an open meeting; will allow all persons to attend any open meeting of the board or board committee without requiring, as a condition of attendance, that the person register or provide such person's name or any other information, except as would be reasonably required to maintain a safe meeting environment; and if a meeting is closed pursuant to the exceptions recognized by the law, make available to the public, within a reasonable period of time after the closed meeting, a written statement containing an explanation of the reason(s) for closing the meeting.

Closed sessions can be conducted to consider matters relating to individual employees, proprietary information, litigation, and other matters requiring the confidential advice of counsel, commercial or financial information obtained from a person on a privileged or confidential basis, or the purchase of property or services whenever the premature exposure of such purchase would compromise the business interests of any such organization. "Reasonable notice" will be given by providing an announcement that is accessible on the station's Web page; and by letter, e--mail, fax, phone, or in person to any individuals who have specifically requested to be notified; and the station will make on--air announcements on at least three consecutive days once during each calendar quarter that explains the station's open meeting policy and provide information about how the public can obtain information regarding specific dates, times, and locations.